5 Random Acts of Kindness

Hadia Nasir
5 min readMar 24, 2022

Does kindness require an occasion? Hell, no! To be kind, every day is a best day. Then why wait?

“Show your good deeds and imagine the ripple effect!”

There is never the best time to be kind. Random acts of kindness gives us a chance to pause and think about the value of being nice — not just to one another but also to ourselves. It also allows us to spread the message that a bit of compassion can go a long way.

Whatever act of kindness you do, no matter how small it feels, has a way of spreading from one person to the next — just like cascading. Showing kindness may do a lot of good, whether it’s a smile, a wave, or going above and beyond by reaching out to someone in need.

With what has already occurred in this miserable life, it seems the right time to seize every chance to make another person happy. And even a small act of kindness may have a significant impact. Not only that, but it has the potential to make us feel wonderful. Being kind is for everyone, and seeing the impact of our actions on others may brighten our day and ideally motivate others to ‘pay it forward’ and do the same for someone else.

Showing random acts of kindness could revive your brain. And what does it take? Just a fraction of seconds in your daily routine. Let’s look at a few of my random acts of kindness I did today:

1. Leave a Note On Friend’s Desk

So, today when I entered the office, my friend greeted me wholeheartedly even she was frustrated because of the workload. All of a sudden, a thought came to my mind like a flash, what I’m going to do without her at the office? I pasted a sticky note on her diary to empower her, saying, “You are amazing, and you can manage anything.” Seeing a bright smile on her face afterward, among all chaos, made my day.

2. Giving A Sanitizer To The Gardener

As gardens require hard labor and attention, therefore gardeners work in scorching heat under direct sunlight just to make our surroundings colorful. Today, when I was having tea in the lawn, I noticed that our gardener has to go a long way to wash his hands while planting or leveling mud. I could not make water available to him at the nearest point. So I decided to buy him sanitizer to make it easy to clean his hands. When I gave it to him, he stared at me with a blank look and said, “No one ever buys anything for me, it’s my first time, so I don’t know how to show gratitude?” His words stunned me.

3. Planting a Tree on a Sidewalk

Step outside and you won’t be far from a tree unless you live in the desert. It is no doubt that trees are vital for our survival. I always wanted to plant a tree to teach me to gather strength from my deepest roots. I bought Moringa Oleifera Plant and selected a sidewalk near my office in an industrial estate where a huge lot was bare. I could’ve planted it anywhere but I wanted to see it flowering and growing day by day whenever I pass by. Placing my hand on roots, and watering them, really calmed my nerves.

4. Gifting a Chocolate to Create Memory

Chocolate is a gesture of love, pleasure, and heaven. Can you recall the first time you held a chocolate bar gifted to you? Of course, you do! Because that sweet memory is hard to forget. So, it was my co-worker’s last day today at work; I decided to give him a sweet note and a small chocolate bar. And guess what, he wrote a goodbye email with a special note for me, “A gesture not seen before and never felt so happy to receive something from anyone in my life.” Although I did not wish for a response, I could sense the energy and happiness he felt with my little gesture, which ultimately boosted my spirit.

5. Buying a Bouquet for My Mother

A child’s mother is the most important person in life. A mother unconditionally nurtures, cares for, and loves her children. As we mature, we realize the sacrifices our mother had to make to help us become who we are. She deserves all of the love in the world. Although I will never be able to reach the depth and intensity of my mother’s love, I can try surely. To begin, I gave my mum a bouquet today as I was not sure which flowers she would love. Seeing her delighted after the day’s chores, I guess that was what I had been missing for a long time.

Conclusion — Make Kindness a Norm

Random acts of kindness may make a significant impact on someone’s day. You never know what someone is going through in their life. After all, don’t you want to be treated nicely? That’s also how other people want too — making someone else happy would make you happy. Isn’t it nice to be happy? So, why wait?



Hadia Nasir

A content strategist and writer, love to play with words to connect with reader. I'm specialized in writing for humans while making search robots happy.